bread courses
Our hands-on Italian bread courses run from one day to one week. Choose the right course for you with reference to the depth of knowledge you wish to acquire and your love of bread, of course!
With our one day courses, you’ll learn a selection of easy yet delicious short fermentation breads, from crunchy Italian bread sticks, to piadina, focaccia, pane al latte, braided pumpkin loaves and taralli.
You will learn all about flours, their strengths, tastes and weaknesses. Get to know your yeast, how to work with it, control it and understand it. Prepare your doughs and understand the entirety of the short fermentation process.
During your stay, we will serve unlimited teas, coffee, water, wonderful local wines and Prosecco from the best producers. Snacks are readily available and we will share a fresh seasonal lunch together whist enjoying the fruits of our labour with local organic olive oil and complementary plates .
Our in depth three day and one week courses include all of this and much more! As well as making bread sticks, piadina, focaccia, pane al latte, braided pumpkin loaves and taralli; you’ll also grow your own organic sourdough starter from scratch, learn how to feed her and take care of her (with out her taking over your life). We will make delicious sourdough breads, from wholemeal and seeded country loafs to stone ground.
You will experience and understand the differences between short and long fermentation and pre-fermented doughs . Together, we will bake amazing ciabatta, baguettes, spelt mixed seed loaves and rye breads.
Meals are always seasonal and use organic garden herbs and homegrown vegetables as well as any foraged ingredients from our fields and woods around us.
Feel free to let us know if you have any special requests or allergies we should know of.